autres événements à Toulouse

Fantastic Beasts (and Creepy Crawlies!)

Please note this event takes place on the third floor and has no step-free access
Évènement passé - 2020
12 mai Ouverture des portes à 19h
Evènement de 19h30 à 22h30
O'briens Irish Pub, 6 Rue des Trois Journées
31000, Toulouse
Whatever role they play in our respective lives, animals are an intergal part of our society. But what animals are we talking about? Tonight we will go from the smallest to biggest ones. Why should we matter of the impact on climate change on insects? How superheroes dogs help they hodlers everyday? We will go deeply to discover these fanstasic animals.

Vanishing creepy crawlies

Jean-Louis Hemptinne (Researcher - CNRS / EDB UMR5174)
Biodiversity is under threat; elephants are hunted down by poachers or dolphins « commit suicide » on beaches all around the planet. However, insects are those that disappear at the fastest rate without getting noticed because they are not the loviest organisms. So, why should we matter ? Because they sit at the bottom of any food-web on which we ultimately depend. Discover how, and what to do for these underestimated animals.

Handi'chien, these superheroes

Lauriane Montier (Veterinary student - Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse)
You know that dogs are human’s best friends, but were you aware they can be much more ? Let me tell you about Handi’chiens, a french non profit association that trains service dogs in order to help disabled people in their everyday lives. How do they help ? How do they manage to learn more than fifty tricks to assist their holder ? I will explain in which ways these dogs are true super heroes.
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